Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I received a Lanie!

Today I was selected to fashion the prompt for our group's challenge.  Here it is!

Lainie award
Here’s her acceptance speech and today’s prompt,
and we promise not to cue the music to cut her speech short!
Hello, I’m Cathy Holiday from Colorado Springs and this is my third LOAD and I am loving it!
I work from home as a broadcast closed captioner.  I am trained as a court reporter and instead of working in the courts or doing depositions,  which I did for 17 years, for the last six years I make myself a pot of coffee and head up to my office, turn on my TVs and computers, and using my steno shorthand machine, caption live sports, news or other entertainment programming.  I know way more than I care to about Lindsey Lohan, Tim Tebow, and the presidential election :)   Scrapping is a great way to use the other part of my brain and to just create.  My husband and 4-year-old son know when Mama gets in her scrap room, you enter at your own risk!
Today, my prompt is to scrap something you do on a regular basis, whether every day, once a week, once a month, or in the case of my page, twice a year.  I have been doing my own version of Project Life and haul my camera or iPhone everywhere.  When I look at pictures I take of my son and think about how some things never change and how some things change alot, I wish I had pictures of my childhood!
My page today is entitled “At the Dentist.”  My son and I have our appointments scheduled together and we all try to make it a fun experience.  Afterwards a trip to McDonald’s was the reward for having a great checkup.

Have fun documenting something from everyday life!

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